What's new?
Homebot now alerts your clients to their greatest wealth-building potential from inside their Homebot Digest!
As you already know, each Homebot Digest contains a metric tonne of fantastic wealth-building knowledge for your clients. And while our open-rates continue to redefine the meaning of engagement, we know your clients are busy people too. Sometimes it's nice if someone just directs you to the most important or relevant information. And, this can lead to higher engagement... and higher engagement leads to higher conversion.
How it works...
The new in-app notifications are at the top of every Digest and are always fresh and direct the homeowner to the most valuable information. Your clients will see a new little "bell icon" with a pink number showing them how many notifications they have (see example screenshot below).

When they click the bell icon, the notifications pop open...

...and then clicking the notification will immediately "pop" the homeowner down to the relevant content in their digest. In this example (see screenshot below), the notification directs the homeowner to the wealth-building power of doing a 15-year Refi.

Over time, your clients will see many types of notificationsregarding wealth-building topics and tips, such as...
- Refinance potential
- Purchasing power (for investment properties and trade up)
- Cash out potential
- Short-term rental potential
- Dropping mortgage insurance
- ...and much more.
As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback! This is yet another feature that came from your suggestions!