As a new loan officer, building a client database can be a daunting task. Establishing your brand and developing relationships with new clients takes time, but generating business in the first few months is critical to getting on your feet.
That’s why when starting his career as a Loan Officer, the first thing Steve Jaccaud did was sign up for Homebot. By investing in tech that provides value and starts the conversation, Steve was able to kickstart his business with 8 leads in the first month - before he was even ready to write loans.
What kind of return on investment have you seen with Homebot?
“As a new loan officer starting out, Homebot gave me 8 leads right off the bat in the first month. It’s responsible for me closing my first loan and is responsible for an upcoming 4 closings. All were driven through my personal network, but Homebot’s the reason I was able to engage them to get the conversation started.”
What is the value of Homebot for a new Loan Officer?
“[Homebot] really has given me without any prior experience a way to start dialogue with people about their current mortgage products.”
Want to learn more about Homebot? Schedule a 1:1 demo with our team today.
Why invest in tech before establishing your business?
“Getting started on Homebot was really easy. I actually started before I was even ready to write loans. I started enrolling my network as soon as I got my NMLS license...I had 100 potential clients already in the platform that started generating leads before I was even ready to start writing loans.”
Would you recommend Homebot to other Loan Officers?
“I would recommend Homebot, especially to new loan officers, because it’s an instant lead generator. For me, I was able to plug in my existing network and it started conversations with people immediately resulting in almost easy closes in the first couple months of my business.”
Want to learn more about Homebot? Schedule a 1:1 demo with our team today.
Watch the full conversation with Steve: