“It’s an amazing tool that really empowers the homeowner with information in...a dynamic way, and really makes you think about those possibilities.”
- Stacie Staub, West + Main Homes Founder & Owner
Stacie Staub, Founder and Owner of West + Main Homes, has been working in real estate for over 15 years. With experience in residential sales and marketing, she has come to be a great source of information regarding the effectiveness of different prospect tools and marketing techniques in the real estate industry.
She recently met with us here at Homebot to share her feedback after several months of using our services. In search of deeper insight into how Homebot changed her business, we asked Stacie to tell us her secrets to success. We found that she was most excited about farming neighborhoods, empowering her clients, and monitoring her clients’ activity.
Farming neighborhoods
We started by asking Stacie how Homebot has affected everyone at West + Main, to which Stacie expressed her acclaim: “It’s really impressive,” she said, going on to remark that after only four or five months of our partnership, she hears frequent success stories from the agents using Homebot in her office. She says that her employees are making listing appointments in record time thanks to the listing opportunities generated through Homebot.
“We actually have listings coming to market...that are directly from Homebot… and a lot of them are from, you know, not even existing or prior clients; they’re from farming!” Stacie shared excitedly.
Farming is widely regarded as one of the best ways to capture new leads. Becoming an expert farmer is a lot like being an expert Real Estate Agent. Being an effective farmer takes discipline, organization, and consistency. With farming, you send your leads and clients in a particular area incredibly personalized and relevant content that is sure to pique their interests. Furthermore, you do this on a consistent basis. By providing her PURL link to certain neighborhoods, Stacie and her team were able to effectively tap into desirable Denver areas.
Empowering homeowners
“By the time the average American retires, 83% of their retirement will come from their home equity.”
-Ernie Graham, Homebot CEO & Co-Founder
Our goal when creating Homebot was to build it not only as a tool for Lenders and Agents, but as a means to empower homeowners as well. In order to do so, we decided that the power of knowledge was the greatest gift we could give. By providing our Lenders and Agents with information about their clients’ home values, options for their clients to pay off their mortgages early, and tips for saving their clients’ money (among other valuable insights), we fostered what we like to call the ‘Trusted Triad.’ This triad is really just the relationship between the Client, the Lender, and the Agent that resides at the heart of Homebot’s efficacy. Homebot’s data is sent through the Lender/Agent to the Client, making it easy for the three to establish a personal relationship based on loyalty and trust. The client knows the information they receive is personalized and powerful, and thus can be guided to make informed decisions about their finances.
In her testimonial, Stacie referenced our aforementioned goal, saying, “it’s an amazing tool that really empowers the homeowner with information in a dynamic way, and really makes you think about those possibilities.” Those ‘possibilities’ refer to the opportunities to maximize wealth that become apparent when using Homebot, and they are a huge part of why Homebot caters to Homeowners, too. Different modules on our site show Homeowners how they can make financially viable changes in their habits right now to work toward realistically ambitious goals for the future. Overall, Homebot allows Lenders and Agents to empower their clients with relevant and useful information to make smarter financial decisions.
Next, we asked Stacie to share her perspective on client engagement with Homebot’s content. She reiterated her love of the product, emphasizing a particular liking for a feature called ‘activity feed,’ the place where client engagement is analyzed.
Engaging the activity feed
“There’s always this missing piece about many prospect or nurturing tools. “You throw [your content] out there, but you don’t really know if it’s sticking. Even just getting that report of opens is pretty amazing.”
-Stacie Staub
Stacie’s dissatisfaction with other prospect tools in the past reaffirmed what we already knew about these versions, and what we specifically wanted to improve upon with our own. The product of these improvements is our activity feed.
The activity feed shows Lenders and Agents a comprehensive digest detailing the number of emails sent out to their clients, the number of email opens, and the number of times clients clicked through the email to view their digest on Homebot’s site. Stacie uses this feature to gauge the relevance of her email content and to follow up with clients who show a specific interest in Homebot, identified through their number of opens and click-throughs from the email.
Lenders and Agents no longer need to worry if their emails are being read, because the activity feed shows exactly who is engaging with the content. Our 70% open rates and 60% engagement rates were a hit for Stacie, who admitted West + Main’s old newsletters only garnered a 30% open rate 一 on a good day. Stacie then joyously recalled her first few weeks of using Homebot, sharing the time that one of her employees sent out 70 Homebot digests, and received 160 opens!
The experience Stacie shared with us today mirrors that of many other delighted customers. If Homebot sounds like something that could help you generate more leads and close more deals, reach out to us! We have free one-on-one demonstrations available online, as well as interactive webinars. Learn more!