It's so easy to get started

Upload Clients

Simply add your existing customers into your Homebot account.


Let It Fly

Homebot will automatically email your clients custom monthly reports.


Close More Deals

Start closing more deals and generating more referrals.


Your clients will be addicted

Homebot is a personalized website for your clients, with your branding, that helps them track and build wealth with their home.
Hi Holly! Here's the current home digest and tips on how to save money. Call or email with questions!
Coach Katey

Maximize your relationships

Michael, Loan Officer
Holly Homeowner
Home Value

Together is better.

With Homebot, Loan Officers and Real Estate Agents can work together to help their Clients maximize wealth.
Wendi, Real Estate Agent

Join thousands of Lenders and Agents that love using Homebot.

Signing up is easy, and our team will get you started in no time

Monthly pricing

Choose your plan and pay a one-time $200 signup fee. No long-term contracts and you can cancel at any time!
Get started with our core
homeowner product
500 clients included
Homebot for Homeowners
+ $200 one-time setup fee
Choose plan
Load a larger client base and
co-sponsor agents at any time
1,000 clients included
Homebot for Homeowners
Homebot for buyers
Agent analytics
Ability to co-sponsor agents
View add-ons
$100/mo for additional
1,000 clients
Each tier achieved lowers the
price for all your units!
Single agents: $25/mo
5+ agents: $20/mo
15+ agents: $15/mo
30+ agents: $10/mo
Learn More
+ $200 one-time setup fee
Choose plan
Pro Plus
Leverage all features and
one included agent co-sponsor
500 clients included
Homebot for Homeowners
Homebot for buyers
Agent analytics
Ability to co-sponsor agents
1 agent co-sponsorship
View add-ons
$100/mo for additional
1,000 clients
Each tier achieved lowers the
price for all your units!
Single agents: $25/mo
5+ agents: $20/mo
15+ agents: $15/mo
30+ agents: $10/mo
Learn More
+ $200 one-time setup fee
Choose plan

Tiered Co-Sponsor Pricing

As you continue to build your network, and co-sponsor more Agents, we wanted to reward you with the ability to unlock a lower price per Agent, effectively giving you bonus Agents for the same monthly spend as you cross each tier.